Dermatologist in Delhi
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Home BlogMonth: March 2016
dermatologist in Delhi - Port wine stain

Port wine stain

Port wine stain are vascular malformations present at birth, the incidence being around 0.3% of neonates. The term port wine is drived from the city of Oporto, the centre of portugal’s red port wine trade. Recently, Dermatologist done vascular studies by skin laser doppler flowmetry have revealed a decreased blood flow response to vasodilation, suggesting… Read more

dermatologist in Delhi - Becker nevus

Becker nevus

This is very common condition seen by Dermatologist in delhi in Skin clinics in Delhi.This condition was first reported by Becker in the late 1940s who described two young men developing localized hypermelanosis and hypertrichosis. It is not an uncommon condition, being reported in about 0.5% of young men. Lately, familial forms have also been… Read more

dermatologist in Delhi - Quality of life and Acne

Quality of life and Acne

Acne is a very common dermatological condition, strongly linked to sexual puberty . Dermatologist in Delhi says although it does not cause direct physical impairment, it can produce a significant psychosocial burden and has a substantial impact upon patients’ QoL. Face is one of the privileged sites of acne, and facial appearance is a major… Read more

dermatologist in Delhi - Quality of life and psoriasis

Quality of life and psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin condition of physical impact on skin, but it also has a profound influence on a patient’s QoL. It equally affects both genders, arises at all ages and concerns 2.5% of the world’s population. It brings social stigmatization 2.5% of the world’s population. It brings social stigmatization, pain, discomfort, physical… Read more

dermatologist in Delhi - Quality of life and vitiligo

Quality of life and vitiligo

Vitiligo is a chronic skin affection concerning approximately 1% of total population. The prevalence is often said to be higher in India ranging from 0.46% to 8.8%. Although the disease does not produce direct health impairment, it considerably influences the psychological well-being of the patients. It is an important skin disease having major impact on… Read more

dermatologist in Delhi - Polyarteritis nodosa

Polyarteritis nodosa

Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) is a necrotizing vasculitis that involves small or medium-sized arterioles. Classic PAN is characterized by fever, weight loss, cutaneous ulcers, livedo reticularis, myalgias and weekness, arthralgias or arthritis, neuropathy, abdominal pain, ischemic bowel, testicular pain, hypertension, & renal failure. Microscopic polyarteritis (MPA) involves the same sized vesels as well as smaller vessels,… Read more

dermatologist in Delhi - Androgenetic Alopecia

Androgenetic Alopecia

Since the 1940s male pattern baldness (MPB) has been recognized by Dermatologist in Delhi as an androgen-dependent condition. Eventually, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) was established as the key androgen involved in (a) the shortening of the anagen growth phase, and (b) the progressive follicular miniaturization that accompanies each hair growth, loss, and regrowth cycle – the two… Read more


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