Hair plays a very important role in enhancing appearance and personality. Loss of hair or baldness results in low self-esteem of the concerned person. While 'hair loss' implies loss of hair from any part of the body, the term baldness is used to refer to loss of hair from scalp. It results due to progressive hair fall or thinning of hair. Hair loss is very common these days and may be a reason of stress and effect their quality of life.
Hair loss can be temporary or permanent. Common causes are lack of nutrition, stress, crash dieting, frequent ironing, curling, colouring or straitening.
Various other reasons for hair loss are:
Loss of 50-100 strands of hair is normal but if it is more than that then it's a matter of concern. The loss of hair shows in different ways as per the factors that cause the problem. In some cases, there may be loss of hair from other parts of the body including eyebrows. Hair loss can be temporary or permanent. The common signs of this condition include:
Our centre provides complete and wide range of treatment by the experts for any kind of hair problem.
Treatments Include-
By a thorough examination underlying cause of the hair fall is diagnosed and accordingly conventional medicines are given which has to be taken for a particular period. This will help in arresting the hair fall along with some growth of new hair.
PRP is a new approach in hair treatment, in which various growth factors which are essential for hair growth are supplied to the scalp with the help of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP). As it is derived from the patient’s own blood, therefore has no potential for causing an immune reaction. Increased platelets at the hair fall site promotes growth factors & helps recover, repair and augment the hair health and growth.
In order to prepare PRP, blood is withdrawn and centrifuged by specialized machines/techniques so that concentrated platelets rich plasma is obtained which contains 5-8 times more platelets per cc as compared to normal plasma. This PRP can be injected directly on the scalp with very thin needle or can be applied with the help of derma roller.
Lavatron RF is a therapy which helps in enhancing health of the scalp. In this therapy, a device produces deep radio frequency (RF) which generates heat at hair follicles.
Deep heating improves blood circulation and supply lot of oxygen and nutrients to the scalp. This sprouts hair and prevents them from falling through stimulation to their roots via thermal effect.
Stem cell is a type of blast cell, which can differentiate to various adult cell including skin cell and hair cell. Stem cells nourish and stimulate the hair follicles and increase the blood circulation in the scalp and by this helps in stopping hair loss and increasing hair growth.
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